Candidate Name: Art Chang
Office Campaigning for: Mayor
Please describe your position on the role of public green spaces within our communities.
Public green spaces are essential for us to care for ourselves and our environment. Without a commitment to public green spaces we cannot commit to a full program of public health or a grounding in a community of care. And in the age of COVID, outdoor spaces are more valuable than ever. We should be increasing the amount of public outdoor space, and equipping those spaces for more usage -- not taking it away.
Please describe your position on how the City prioritizes public open green space and how community gardens are often pitted against the need for affordable housing.
It is clear that the City is not prioritizing public open green space, since community gardens seem to be a target of development. The community gardens of New York City bring peace, restoration, and renewal in ways that poured concrete will never match. I also believe we need a massive increase in affordable housing -- but to say that parks and public green spaces must be sacrificed for that is a disservice to our community. There is plenty of city-owned space where we can build affordable housing -- like the 21 city-owned golf courses, for example -- that does not damage a valuable public garden.
Have you ever visited Elizabeth Street Garden? If so, please describe your experience.
I have walked by or through it dozens of times. What I admire most about Elizabeth Street Garden is its inclusion of sculpture. I have a strong arts platform, which includes hiring artists to beautify public spaces. Art is one of the reasons any person visits New York -- we should lean into that as a city and show our support of artists on streets, in public spaces, and in parks. Thank you for being a leader in including art in public spaces!
What is your position on the alternative site solution that would use 388 Hudson — a gravel- filled, city-owned lot — to provide up to 5x the amount of affordable housing and additional public open space while saving Elizabeth Street Garden?
This is exactly the approach we should be taking to create the affordable housing that we need. Repurposing un- or under-used city owned land is one of the strongest ways forward.
ESG currently has a pending lawsuit to save the garden led by attorney Norman Siegel. If the issue is not resolved before the change in administration, once in office, how would you work with ESG to protect and preserve Elizabeth Street Garden?
I would use the convening power of the Mayor’s office to prioritize exactly your approach: to repurpose city- owned land in a way that best reflects the wishes of the neighborhood and of New York City residents.
If elected, would you support ESG's plan to save the garden as a Conservation Land Trust? Please take a moment to review ESG's future plans for saving the garden as a Conservation Land Trust, NYC Park, or GreenThumb Garden here:
If you answered "No" to the above question, please explain why.
If elected, would you commit to saving Elizabeth Street Garden in perpetuity?
If you answered "No" to the above question, please explain why.