Here are the ways you can help save the Garden:
Donate Today! - Support our legal defense fund, ongoing garden maintenance, and administrative expenses. Please make checks out to Elizabeth Street Garden Inc. 209 Elizabeth St. New York, NY 10012
Join us as a new volunteer by signing up for an ESG Volunteer Orientation below!
Support the plan to preserve ESG as a Conservation Land Trust - Join over 140 local organizations, Elected reps, and leaders in supporting the plan to preserve the garden in the best most cost-effective way for the community.
If you're a business owner in our surrounding community, please consider sponsoring an event.
If you’d like to rent the garden for a private event or photo/video shoot, visit our Rentals page. 100% of the money goes into the nonprofit and towards our efforts to protect & preserve the garden!
Spread the word! Tell your friends, tell your family, the Garden is open to all! But remember, we are not yet saved. For that, we need you.